Ethics Policy

A. General Policy and Procedures
The reputation of Filmi Bytes, and its affiliates (“Filmi Bytes” or “News Media”) is based on
ethics, integrity and skills of partners. The company expects all partners to do the same
sharing its commitment to the highest moral and legal standards and avoiding any activities it may perform
involve the Company or its partners in any actual or perceived improper, improper, or illegal activity.
As used in this policy, the terms “partners” and “employee” will apply to all partners (including
all employees of the Company), and officers and, as appropriate, directors of
Company, unless otherwise indicated.

A careful review of this policy will give colleagues a better understanding of the Company
expectations and obligations of partners. Compliance with this policy is mandatory and
policies that apply directly to assigned tasks and conduct them appropriately.
Adherence to this policy will be a factor in reviewing the performance of each employee. Violation of
this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

B. Additional Requirements
The policy is not intended to be a specific set of governing guidelines or requirements
partner behavior. A company has accepted and may amend or accept another company
policies, procedures, staff manuals or personnel letters that restrict or clarify
behavior. In addition, no single policy or set of policies can be as complete or functional as
instead of good judgment, understanding and proper, honest and law-abiding behavior
to all our partners.
This policy, however, replaces the Code of Business Ethics
Workbook. It also reinforces and adds to the partner’s ethical requirements set
in other TriNet policies. To the extent that anything in this policy conflicts with
the provisions of these other sources, the provisions of this policy shall prevail. Collectively, this is exactly
other ethical policies may be termed Filmi Bytes policy or code of conduct.